The life cycle of automatic fire sprinkler protection begins with engineering design and installation. It continues to infinity with maintenance through inspection and service.
For years, CAL-WEST has retained the fire protection expertise that makes us your number one choice for system maintenance.
Our full service inspection staff is equipped with the latest report generating computers and software. Computer generated reports can be printed for our customers and stored in the CAL-WEST database for quick access, tracking and maintaining service schedules for our multi-building and portfolio managing clients.
We stand ready 24 hours a day with qualified service and engineering technicians to inspect and maintain your alarm and detection equipment, automatic wet-pipe, dry-pipe, pre-action and deluge systems as well as all special hazard fire suppression equipment. We provide complete Regulation 4, Title 19, 5-year certification and quarterly inspection reports.
These inspections include all tests required by NFPA standards and any local Fire Department requirements. Our testing includes items such as, verification of complete code compliant sprinkler coverage, backflush of Fire Department Connections, check conditions of control valves, inspect fire hose and related equipment, supervisory alarm system, and on-site hydrants.
CAL-WEST perpetual experience with local and national fire codes and standards have gained us continuous credibility with local building and fire departments and the full range of National Insurance rating organizations.
To request a test or inspection see details about your system, and we will either provide you with a proposal that meet your needs as well as the current national, state and local code requirements or contact you to confirm the date and time of the inspection.